品牌 | 产品名称 | 规格型号 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7131-6BH01-0BA0 |
SIEMENS | 接头 | 6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0 |
SIEMENS | 触摸屏 | 6AV6648-0CC11-3AX0 |
SIEMENS | 触摸屏 | 6AV6648-0CE11-3AX0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7142-3BH00-0XA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AE08-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AR04-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-5CM01-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 触摸屏 | 6AV2123-2MB03-0AX0 |
SIEMENS | 电缆 | 6XV1840-2AH10 |
SIEMENS | 触摸屏 | 6AV2123-2GB03-0AX0 |
SIEMENS | 底座 | 6ES7193-6BP00-0BA0 |
SIEMENS | 底座 | 6ES7193-6BP00-0DA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AQ02-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7141-3BH00-0XA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AE04-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-2DE08-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AM03-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 内存卡 | 6ES7954-8LE03-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7521-1BH10-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7134-6GF00-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AM06-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7241-1CH32-0XB0 |
SIEMENS | 触摸屏 | 6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-2DR32-0AA0 |
Siemens | 模块 | 6ES7288-2DR08-0AA0 |
Siemens | 电池板 | 6ES7288-5BA01-0AA0 |
Siemens | 交换机 | 6GK5004-1BD00-1AB2 |
SIEMENS | 电源 | 6ES7288-0CD10-0AA0 |
Siemens | 模块 | 6ES7288-3AR02-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7511-1AK02-0AB0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7132-6BF01-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 存储卡 | 6ES7954-8LL03-0AA0 |
Siemens | 模块 | 6ES7194-3AA00-0BA0 |
Siemens | 模块 | 6ES7288-1CR60-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 存储卡 | 6ES7954-8LC03-0AA0 |
Siemens | 交换机 | 6GK5116-0BA00-2AC2 |
Siemens | 存储卡 | 6ES7954-8LF03-0AA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7511-1CK01-0AB0 |
Siemens | 电源 | 6EP1961-3BA21 |
Siemens | 交换机 | 6GK5201-3JR00-2BA6 |
Siemens | CPU模块 | 6ES7416-3FS06-0AB0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BE07-5AV0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BH07-5AV0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BF07-5AV0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BM07-5AV0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BN07-5AV0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BS07-5AV0 |
Siemens | WINCC软件 | 6AV6381-2BQ07-5AV0 |
SIEMENS | 交换机 | 6GK5108-0BA00-2AC2 |
Siemens | 伺服轴卡 | 6SN1118-0DM31-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 交换机 | 6GK5216-4BS00-2AC2 |
Siemens | 轴卡 | 6SN1118-0DM31-0AA2 |
Siemens | 驱动 | 6SN1118-0AD11-0AA0 |
Siemens | 变频器 | 6SE6440-2UD31-5DA1 |
Siemens | 电源 | 6EP3437-8SB00-0AY0 |
Siemens | 模块 | 6ES7516-3AN02-0AB0 |
SIENEMS | 基座 | 6ES7193-6BP20-0BA0 |
Siemens | 软件 | 6AV2101-0AA05-0AA5 |
Siemens | 软件 | 6AV6371-1DV07-5AX0 |
SIEMENS | 变频器 | 6SE6420-2AB12-5AA1 |
SIEMENS | 多功能表 | 7KM3220-0BA01-1DA0 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1ST40-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1SR30-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1SR60-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1SR20-0AA1 |
Siemens | 模块 | 6ES7288-1ST30-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1SR40-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1ST20-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 模块 | 6ES7288-1ST60-0AA1 |
SIEMENS | 电缆 | 6XV1861-4AU10 |
Siemens | 内存卡 | 6ES7954-8LP03-0AA0 |
Siemens | 电源 | 6EP4136-3AB00-0AY0 |
系统,伺服驱动,模块驱动,电源模块,西门子触摸屏,Smart1000Micro 面板文本面板多功能面板,Smart700触摸屏
OP 73触摸屏,其他触摸屏面板,西门子变频器MM420变频器,MM430变频器,MM440变频器,
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A range of accessories is available for SIDOOR elevator door drive systems with geared motors:This is necessary to ensure low-noise operation of the door leaves by the controller. The geared motors can be optimally integrated into the respective door drive system.
Rubber-metal anti-vibration mounts for geared motors
To ensure low-noise door operation, SIDOOR geared motors are integrated in the door system using rubber-metal anti-vibration mounts.
Rubber-metal anti-vibration mount 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0AD0 for SIDOOR M2 and SIDOOR M3 geared motors.
Rubber-metal anti-vibration mount 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0AD0 for SIDOOR M4 and SIDOOR M5 geared motors.
Rubber-metal anti-vibration mount 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0AD0
Rubber-metal anti-vibration mount 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0AD0
Mounting brackets
Two different mounting brackets are available with elongated holes:
Mounting bracket 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0AS0 for the geared motors for flexible accommodation of the rubber-bonded metal
Mounting bracket 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0AS0 for the deflector unit. For setting the toothed belt to the required belt tension.
Mounting bracket 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0AS0 for mounting the geared motor
Mounting bracket 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0AS0 for the deflector unit
Door clutch holder
The door clutch holder serves to connect the respective door leaf by means of a toothed belt while also functioning as a toothed-belt lock. One door clutch holder per door leaf is required. The toothed-belt lock can accommodate both open ends of the toothed belt.
A door clutch holder is available for each toothed belt width:
Width 12 mm: 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0CP0
Width 14 mm: 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0CP0
Door clutch holder 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0CP0 (packaging size = 1 unit)
Deflector unit
The deflector unit 6FB1104‑0AT03‑0AS0 contains an embedded belt pulley which can be mounted on the door system.
The STS toothed belt is redirected via this deflector unit (toothed belt width 12 mm or 14 mm). .
Deflector unit 6FB1104‑0AT03‑0AS0
STS toothed belt
The door system is moved between the end positions of the door using the STS toothed belts. Two different toothed belt lengths can be ordered for each toothed belt width.
Toothed belt width 12 mm:
Length 4 m: 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0AB0
Length 45 m: 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0AB0
Toothed belt width 14 mm:
Length 4 m: 6FB1104‑0AT03‑0AB0
Length 55 m: 6FB1104‑0AT04‑0AB0
Toothed belt 6FB1104‑0AT01‑0AB0, length 4 m
Toothed belt 6FB1104‑0AT02‑0AB0, length 45 m
A range of accessories is available for SIDOOR elevator door systems with EC technology:Motor holder 6FB1104-0AT03-0AD0 for accommodation of the SIDOOR MED280 direct drive.
Mounting bracket:
For mounting the SIDOOR motor holder 6FB1104-0AT01-0AS0
With tensioning device for mounting the deflector unit and setting the toothed belt to the required tension (large) 6FB1104-0AT05-0AS4
SIDOOR mounting bracket, large
With tensioning device for mounting the deflector unit and setting the toothed belt to the required tension (small) 6FB1104-0AT05-0AS5
SIDOOR mounting bracket, small
For attaching both ends of the toothed belt and connecting the respective door leaf to the toothed belt,
width 20 mm 6FB1104-0AT05-0AS1
SIDOOR door clutch holder
Deflector unit:
For attaching the SIDOOR toothed belt and fixing to the door 6FB1104-0AT07-0AS0
SIDOOR deflector unit
STD toothed belt
As a connection between the door system and the end positions of the door
Toothed belt width 20 mm. Length 4 m 6FB1104-0AT05-0AB0
SIDOOR toothed belt, small
Toothed belt width 20 mm. Length 45 m 6FB1104-0AT06-0AB1
SIDOOR toothed belt, large